
All the images in the post were made with a DELL V313w Scanner-Printer June 5, 2011 in my home.

Single Scan (Collage)

These are one scan images. The only adjustment made to any of the images was to increase the blacks slightly.

Autobiographical Scan: Mission Collage

Autobiographical Scan: The High School Years

Double Scan

I took two different scans and blended them together in Photoshop using a simple mask:

Part One: Stripes

Part Two: Stars

A variation

For this one I used a different section of the flag, which required a little more touch up (i.e. Filling in the clip-hole)

Stars and Stripes Forever

Part Two: Stars--Variation

Stars and Stripes--Two

Three Scans

You guessed it, three scans combined into one image:
I combined two images with a simple mask and then the third I applied with a soft light blending mode in Photoshop. To add a little depth, I added a hard light drop shadow to the pennies.

Part One: Stripes

Part Two: Stars--Variation

Part Three: Pennies

Final Product: "National Debt"