Night and Light

Oh the fun things you can do with light at night!

Noah's Ark

At the dollar star, I found some batter-powered glow sticks that I used to create this shot. In the absence of a tripod, I used the grill in our backyard as the designated camera holder. I used a timer as well to avoid any shaken image syndrome. In post production, I did lower the blacks a little which dropped out the silhouette of my legs in the background (For tracking information see below).

Main and Second

This picture was a lot of fun to create. I stood on the corner of Main and Second East in Rexburg. I turned up the shutter speed to four seconds, clicked shoot and started to dance.

Streaks and Stars

I used the top of my car to create the reflected streak on top of the car.

Chinese New Year

Again, I started on the corner of Second East and Main. If you look closely you can make out the Walgreen’s pharmacy logo. For this one, instead of focusing on the lights on the street level, I angled up, including more of the stoplights and signage (like McDonald’s in the far distance and the big red lights of Walgreen’s logo).


This scene and the following one were both taken in our backyard. I set the camera up to take a 15 second exposure. I had a flashlight in my hand to ‘paint’ what I wanted exposed. I simply used my hand to block direct light from catching the camera (it was easy to use content aware to take out the two instances that did happen).

Quixote's Bench

Noah’s Ark
June 11, 2011 at 10:57 p.m. Our backyard, Rexburg, Idaho
F/8.0 SHUTTER: 15 seconds ISO 200

Main and Second
June 10, 2011, 10:17 p.m. on the Southeast corner of Main Street and Second East in Rexburg, Idaho.
F/8.0 SHUTTER: 4 seconds ISO 100

Streaks and Stars
June 10, 2011, 10:01 p.m. South Second East, Rexburg, Idaho
F/8.0 SHUTTER: 2.5 seconds ISO 100

Chinese New Year
June 10, 2011, 10:18 p.m. at the South East Corner of Main Street and Second East, Rexburg, Idaho.
F/8.0 SHUTTER: 4 seconds ISO: 100

June 10, 2011, 10:50 p.m. in our backyard, Rexburg, Idaho
F/8.0 SHUTTER: 15 seconds ISO 100

Quixote’s Bench
June 10, 2011, 10:50 p.m. in our backyard, Rexburg, Idaho
F/8.0 SHUTTER: 15 seconds ISO 100