Before . . .

A sampling of pre-COMM 262 work.

1. Ry-Smile

2. Hydrant

3. Welcome to Driggs

4. Ry so serious

5. Fire Sky

6. Revis Family Annoyance

7. Ryleigh Blue Eyes

1. Ry-Smile

St George Temple; April 16, 2010 6:29 p.m. f/2.8 1/160 Sony DSC-S750 natural lighting

Minor adjustments in Photoshop: curves preset to enhance contrast and cropping to strengthen rule of thirds.

2. Hydrant

Spori Building Fire Hydrant; February 4, 2010 1:22 p.m. f/5.6 Shutter: 1/200 Sony DSC-S750 natural light

Minor adjustments in Photoshop: custom curves adjustment to slightly increase saturation and contrast; composition is unchanged. The white snow behind the hydrant creates a cutout effect. This picture was taken as part of a COMM 130 photo assignment.

3. Welcome to Driggs, Idaho

Highway 33 near Driggs, Idaho; August 6, 2010 5:04 p.m. f/2.8 Shuttter: 1/200 Sony DSC-S750 natural light

Minor adjustments: curves preset to slightly enhance contrast; cropping to enhance composition- so the primary swirl in the clouds crosses at rule of thirds intersections.

This picture was taken while driving between Victor and Driggs, Idaho moments before the world’s largest rain drops began pelting our car.

4. Ry So Serious

St. George Temple Grounds, 4/16 6:31 p.m. f/2.8 Shutter: 1/100 Sony DSC-S750 natural light

Cropped to reformat for blog; original composition maintained.

5. Fire Sky

BYU-Idaho Campus; July 13, 2010 5:56 p.m. f/5.6 Shutter: 1/1250 Sony DSC-S750 natural light

Minor adjustments: curves preset to increase contrast; cropped to strengthen rule of thirds

6. Revis Family Annoyance

St. George Temple Grounds; April 16, 2010 6:32 p.m. f/2.8 Shutter: 1/100 Sony DSC-S750 with natural lighting

Minor adjustmnets: curves custom adjustment to enhance contrast while maintaining detail (particularly in mother’s hair; slight cropping.

7. Ryleigh Blue Eyes

St. George Temple Grounds; April 16, 2010 6:42 p.m. f/2.8 Shutter: 1/100 Sony DSC-S750 with natural lighting

Minor adjustments: curves preset to enhance contrast. Added blur to keep Ryleigh’s ridiculously gorgeous eyes as the primary focus.

2 thoughts on “Before . . .

  1. I love your pictures of the sky. The color and details in the clouds are just so amazing. The “Welcome to Driggs” picture I especially like because I’ve seen days like that and wished I had a camera handy. I’m assuming that is your child or at least a relative and she is very cute. I love how you got her smile in the first picture and her look in the family picture is priceless. Good timing for sure!

    • Thanks for the feedback! The little girl is my niece. My wife and I are expecting and we’re hoping that our siblings didn’t steal all the cute genes for their kids. It seems like half the battle in photography is just being ready, eh?

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