Yes, A Blog

When I sat down in Fall of 2010 to start writing a book, I could have hardly anticipated the monster that would take over my life.

It has changed how I view life and observe the world around me. Suddenly in every facet of life there is a new angle, a new perspective, a new application for living. A book done right is only a mere opening of the mind: it unlocks new doors, inspires new thoughts and poses new questions.

Where are these doors to lead? and what of these new questions?

And hence, a blog.

You won’t need to have read my book to follow along here. Here’s a chance you and I can really have to discuss gospel principles and how they effect life. Something we can hardly do effectively in a book.

Gospelnomics: A Blog is all about finding patterns and principles in life and seeking to apply them in our lives. These might come from history, from economics, from literature or music. We have the chance to get up to our elbows in enjoying the simplicity of the gospel of Jesus Christ using the world around us to strengthen that testimony. Let’s share experiences that encourage one another to do a little bit better. Let’s find ways to help each other grow.

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