Who I am and what I do (services and experience)
What I’m up to (featured blog updates)

Being a Strategic Communicator as an Analyst
I was invited by David McBride to present at InPhase 2016. I chose to share some thoughts on how understanding organizational communication dynamics can help you be more effective as an analyst. InPhase 2016 was held on February 26 at the University of Utah. This is an annotated deck, so you’ll see thought and speech […]

My Job Description is a Question
My job comes down to finding creative ways to answering this question: “What do we need to know about the user to be successful?” #cro #measure

Sketchnote: Five-Step Overview of Conversion Optimization
I have been working on overhauling some documentation for the services I offer clients at work around A/B testing and the discipline of conversion optimization. While working on how to frame and position my presentation, I remembered a tweet I saw from Marc Bourguignon on replacing powerpoints with sketchnotes. I considered myself challenged: I used […]

The Risks in Following Best Practices Blindly
My wife and I took our kids to Chili’s the other day for lunch. We sat down and glanced up at the TV that was in my line of sight. This was my view: The restroom sign effectively blocking the television screen for nearly everybody for whom that screen is in their direct line of […]